Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hideous Beauty

Oh, most hideous beauty. Oh, that unmistakable strength.

Fashion photography is filled with every imaginable image. The ones I find most interesting are the ones that tread the line of discomfort. They hint at something menacing, hidden or a feeling of unrest. This of course isn’t just because it poses some sort of strange and perverted mind but I believe it has something more to do with the industry these images comes out of. This is the world of beauty, the world of the unreal, the world of ever-present discord and strangeness that one can’t help but be attracted too.

My art practice for some time has looked at this delicate balance between the grotesque and perfection and I find the longer I work with that as my focus the more I am captured by these images that are so pervasive in the fashion industry and in the pages of countless magazines. I can’t help but wonder what do they do to us when we have are guard down. What do they say about the men and women that find them captivating, and how are they mimicking the world that creates them? The world of fashion is one that I am enamored with but the love is always a little tainted with the knowledge that it is unkind. I can’t help but think that beauty is an aid to hiding and it is this hiding that drives so many to seek what remains unseen. I think the only thing to do with this balancing act is just that, balance it. With every image of loveliness never be afraid of one that suggests discomfort. It’s that fine line in between where truth is, and what could be more perfect and beautiful than that? 
- Megan

Image credits (from top left)
Steve Meisel
Unknown (found on tumblr)
Emmanuel Giraud (center)
Unknown (found on tumblr)
Unknown (found on tumblr)

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